Friday, August 15, 2014

Madrid Internship - Post 6

If I were the director of 1 Kilo de Ayuda, I would want to make some changes so that the organization as a whole could coordinate and communicate more efficiently. Within 1 Kilo, there are several projects that they work on around Spain and internationally. One of the projects is Yo Cocino Empleo and it works to provide food and employment services for families. Though it is managed by three people, it runs out of an office a couple minutes away from the organization’s main office. Participants in Yo Cocino Empleo would pick up boxes full of meals for the week on assigned days. At my office, we also organized boxes full of nonperishables and food for people to pick up. Though these were for two different programs, there was some overlap in people who enrolled in both. Every week they would have to come to both offices on separate days to pick up these boxes. As this seemed like an inconvenience, I would have liked to combine both offices so that people could come to one central location. If Yo Cocino Empleo worked out of the same building, it would also make it easier for the two offices to communicate with one another. 
To create more awareness about the organization and its mission, I would use more social media to get out information about volunteer and publicity events. T-shirts, bracelets, and bags with 1 Kilo de Ayuda’s logo could also be beneficial in getting people interested. Giving out some of those items through Facebook could make social networking more interactive for the followers. 

Though these are just some adjustments that I would make, I wouldn’t want to change any aspect of the office atmosphere. It was an incredible experience to have worked at this internship in Spain and I have learned so much about working at a non-profit organization and some Spanish as well!


  1. Hi Hannah! I really like your idea about the 1 Kilo de Ayuda merchandise. That would be a really cool and easy way to gain recognition for the organization. That is a perfect idea for a non-profit espeically, because some of thise things can be made inexpensively. It sounds like you had a really cool internship! Best of luck!

  2. It sounds like you have some ideas that could make a significant financial and spacial impact. Having also worked in Spain, but in Barcelona rather than Madrid, I found that the majority of companies could benefit from some general consultation on how to maximize performance. Certain policies and everyday processes seemed contradictory, as made evident in your suggestions for the company. Overall, it sounds like you had a great time in Spain. I know I had an amazing time.
