Monday, August 11, 2014

Post #5 - Looking Back at Elvis Duran and the Morning Show

            Through working at Elvis Duran and the Morning show and the z100 radio station I have noticed a correlation between my liberal arts education and this internship. In my Comm 101 class we learned a lot about the radio industry, advertising, and news values. I have seen how the show utilizes a lot of those strategies and information in the way they deliver “hot topics” and compose the advertisements/promotional recordings. I am confident that the knowledge I have gained this summer will allow me to take a new perspective on my upcoming classes with background knowledge and experience.
            Even though I was promised that I would learn a lot during this internship, most of this knowledge was gained through hands-on action more so than being taught directly. I was surprised to find that in such a casual setting there was still so much work getting done and that the show is able to accomplish such amazing things. I was also pleasantly relieved to learn how much they allow their interns to contribute to the show. For instance, I thought it would be funny to take each member’s mug shot and recreate the opening credits of the Netflix series “Orange is the New Black.” I received help from the various departments in order to produce the final product, but I was trusted with all of the work and creative ideas. The content was posted to the website as well as the various social media accounts and it received great feedback! It’s awesome to know that people all around the country are viewing something that I created!


  1. It's cool to hear that you are really enjoying the work you've been putting in. It's amazing how time flies when you enjoy what you're doing!

  2. I'm so glad you were able to apply the things you learned in class to your internship! To me, that is such a rewarding feeling. It's also great that you were given so much creative freedom!

  3. I'm glad you had such a good experience! I have loved following your blog and have agreed with a lot of the things you have mentioned from the radio industry. I definitely agree that a lot of what was learned was through experience rather than forwardly taught.
