Tuesday, August 19, 2014

CEO For A Day

The Cumulus office in New York runs very well from what I could tell. Obviously there are bumps in the road, which I'm sure every company experiences. There would be two main things I would change if possible. First, I would make a set weekly schedule. One thing that was a bit rough for us interns and the part-timers was that our schedules were different every week. I think each person should have designated days or work, or at least something a little more consistent. Also, all of our paperwork is only printed out in hard copies (all of the winner's sheet, winner's declaration forms, etc.) so I would update the computer system in the office. These papers should also be recorded on a computer hard drive or a USB drive because if the hard copy gets lost, it leads to problems and disorganization. The whole computer system really could be updated to make things more efficient, especially since we are in the media industry. While us interns did not normally interact with the woman in charge of our office, the part-timers often did and some would complain that she wasn't the nicest, however, I believe that there needs to be a strong person in charge who isn't afraid to be tough when things need to be done, and done correctly. Lastly, I would try to do a bit more promotion and putting our name out there, especially at the concerts and TV events we participate in, such as Good Morning America and the Today Show.


  1. I have a similar suggestion for my internship! My boss was very sporadic, and wanted us to come into the office on different days every week. It would've been much more organized had I had a consistent schedule!

  2. I had to deal with changing schedules as well (especially with working from home vs. in the office), so I understand exactly how you feel. These sound like great ideas that would benefit the company greatly!
