Thursday, August 14, 2014

CEO of Red Project (for only a day!!)

Today was my last day at the Red Project and I didn’t expect to find myself with so many mixed feelings. Though my internship experience was not exactly what I was expecting or perfect by any means, it was probably one of the greatest learning experiences I have yet to encounter. That being said, if I was the CEO of Red Project for a day there are most definitely things I would change, but one aspect I would keep exactly the same is the staff (maybe add a few more though if money permitted). The staff of 5 at the Red Project are the most dedicated and motivated people I have ever met. They come in every day ready to work as hard as they can for a cause they feel so strongly about, and honestly as a CEO of any company that would bring me joy. I think that’s the first step to a great organization is having people who really care and are committed on staff in order to get tasks done. I would be more than honored to be the CEO of the Red Project just because I would get to come in the office every day and work with such great people (which I got the chance to do two days a week all summer). There are many things though that I would change. The problem with this question for me is that of course there are many aspects of the Red Project I would change, but that’s only if I had the budget to do so (and more than one day!). Take for instance, our location. I would love nothing more than to move this organization out of the current building it is in because we share it with another organization that we do not get along with very well. If the Red Project found their own building I think it would very much change the atmosphere for the staff as well as the clients who come to visit us. I would also try to improve communication among the staff members. It’s difficult when certain staff members are only in the office certain days or hours during the week and I know they have tried better to schedule weekly staff meetings, but this is something that needs tremendous improvement. As the CEO of a large corporation, this might not be my issue to work out, but considering there is a staff of 5 here at the Red Project I very much would take responsibility for it. I would like to see this organization get more recognition in the community and again because of time and money, this isn’t always easy. One last thing as CEO that I would try to improve on is office hours and making sure everyone is on time and potentially expand our hours beyond 12-5 pm.
All in all, I have nothing but good things to say about my time at the Red Project. I had a great last day today and I really like to think my time there will have a lasting impact on the organization, the staff and the community.
Last day photo shoot with the staff!

1 comment:

  1. As an intern in one of the biggest early stage VC funds in the Middle East, I see the same problems in my firm as well. It is crucial to have employees coming in on time and use their times effectively and efficiently. However, that's hard. I am confident to say that, at my company, being late and leaving early is just a culture now, which is kind of sad...
