Monday, August 18, 2014

Middle Weeks: The struggles of writing papers for a museum

Well, it’s official. I can start making tours. Even though my German is understandable I was much more confident that I should do the English tours and I spent most of this week trying to memorize the script. At first, I was going to have the test on Tuesday but then Lena (my other boss) told me that we should move it up to Friday. I was concerned as I didn’t think I had properly memorized anything to say the least.
I spent most of the week just staying at my desk either studying the script for the tours or for working on my paper on industrialization. The information I collect for the industrialization paper will eventually be used to create a theme tour through the museum. Thus, I want to collect as much useful information as possible before I am done. For the most part, researching for the entire time can be incredibly strenuous and boring. However, I hope that I will soon be done with the industrialization paper so that I can move on to other activities.
In many ways this project is like any other paper in my history classes. I have to research a topic and then present the information to form an argument. Unlike my history papers, I have to be conscious about making sure the information can be consumed by a general audience. This poses some difficulties as I want to make sure I get practical information…but it is easy to get distracted as well. Since German industrialization is a large topic as well and delves into large political and economic issues, getting just the right amount of information while at the same time avoiding rattling on about other issues is difficult to say the least.

I hope I will be done with this paper soon.


  1. Your work sounds interesting but also some what class-like, which can be hard! I think you've found some good strategies to make sure you produce strong content for your industrialization theme.

  2. The fact that you had to study and work is impressive to me; that takes dedication to memorize a whole script! Good for you sticking to it.
