Wednesday, August 27, 2014

CEO for a Day!

If I were to take over the operations of Today’s Business for a day, there isn’t much that I would radically change. It’s a growing company that’s on the upward trend of its growth curve and is run very well by the managing partners, so I wouldn’t do anything to radically change the operations of the company.

What I would do is make a couple of tweaks to the internship program. The first thing I would change is give a little more diversity of tasks to the interns. Each intern is given a similar group of tasks each week (compiling a weekly report, writing content, creating pins, searching for people on twitter…) It gets a little monotonous after doing it for many weeks. While there are some opportunities to do other tasks for the company, I’d include more. The more different opportunities you provide, the more the interns remain interested.

Honesty though, that’s the only (slightly) major suggestion I’d have for running this company. It’s in its infancy in terms of its growth and the partners have showed me that they know how to run it. While I’d tweak the internship program, I wouldn’t make any major changes.

Thanks very much for reading everyone! I’ve enjoyed sharing my experiences with you all and reading about yours! I hope you all have a great school year!

1 comment:

  1. These suggestions also apply to my internship! An internship is such a learning experience for students, so I think it's important to have many different tasks to learn as much as possible.
