Friday, August 15, 2014

CEO for a Day

If I were in charge of running this organizations I would keep many things the same, however, I would change a couple of things. I love how our culture works. I wouldn’t t not change a thing about it. I feel as though everyone who comes into our organization adjusts very quickly to our culture, and they leave feeling like they have made lifelong friends/ family. However, to add to our already amazing culture I would create monthly team outings. These could take place at a bowling alley or dodge ball game, or could simply be a dinner with all of the team members. I feel as though this would promote our already amazing and close culture.
                Another change I would make would be a simple one. I would expand our parking lot. I felt this summer as if the parking lot could be redone. We have had team members complain about the cracks in it, as well as some clients have remarked about it before. It isn’t a huge change, however, I feel as though it would be a positive and inexpensive one!

                The last thing I would change is I would give more one on one’s with my team members. Feedback is very helpful, and I feel as though people can really benefit from knowing what they could improve upon, and what they really exceed at. 

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