Wednesday, August 6, 2014

CEO for a Day

Something that I really enjoyed about my internship was the workplace environment. The open set up was really great because it was easy to communicate with others in the office, you didn’t feel isolated and no one seemed more important because they had an actual office. The three CEO’s of Shiftgig didn’t act as if they played any larger role in the success of the company than anyone else. They made themselves approachable and worked right alongside the other employees. If I were CEO for the day I would keep this kind of environment for the workplace because it made the sometimes-stressful workday more relaxing. It also made sure that everyone had easy access to those around them so that they could communication in a more efficient and effective way.

If I were CEO for a day I would create clear and set jobs for every individual. For example: employee X, employee Y and employee Z are all apart of the development team and they should be working on this specific project right now. Even though the current CEO’s felt that because there was no hierarchy, everyone should be able flexible and understanding if what they were doing wasn’t what they were hired for, I found it to be confusing. Not having a clear sense of direction (especially as an intern) is frustrating because you’re not sure exactly what you should be doing or if what you are doing is even right. Distributing specific projects to specific departments would not only create a more organized company, but would also lessen the vague guidelines.

Even though I would make slight changes as a CEO, I think that the current CEO’s are doing a great job and I was very lucky to have had the opportunity to work for and with them.



  1. I love that the CEOs don't give off the impression that they are higher or any more successful than everyone else in the work environment. That is very refreshing to hear. I think that is key! A hard balance to keep but I think when done right encourages the less experienced (interns like us) to feel welcomed and valued and encouraged to work our hardest.

  2. I think it's great that layout of the company is designed to create a more communal work environment, I think that is a much more successful approach. Although you recognized that everyone worked well together do to the company atmosphere, I liked that you also recognized where there needed to be change.
