Thursday, August 14, 2014

Marketing Madness

At the culmination of every internship term, Atlantic Records has the final presentation of the Intern projects that we've worked on all semester long. I've mentioned the research and time and dedication that I devoted to this marketing competition in a earlier post, but I just wanted to reiterate a few things first.

Every week me and my group of fellow interns would meet and work on our mock marketing project for up and coming artist, Francesco Yates. I ended up taking a bulk of the responsibility towards the end as I feared that things were not going to be done on time. When working in groups I hate that feeling, that no one else in your group is working as hard as you are. You have to learn to deal with your circumstances though!

Our end project ended up looking great as all the loose strings were tied together before we presented to our superiors. I thought presenting would be much more intimidating than it was. We presented to the COO of Atlantic Records and the product managers of the Francesco along with a few employees in HR. There is no better way to get better at presenting than actually doing it, so I was happy we had such a great and important team evaluating us.

... The most important thing I learned while presenting to them was that you should always be prepared for something to go wrong or not as planned. Unfortunately for us, the computer that was screening our powerpoint died midway through the presentation! Despite our misfortune we were all ready to continue even without the slides in front of us and still managed to finish strong, hitting all the main points and details of our plan.

Working on this project was great experience and I hope ours wins the competition!


  1. It's great to hear that you took initiative during your group project! I feel like working with others in college definitely helps us to prepare for those situations. Technological problems are the worst; they always happen at the most inconvenient times! But it seems like it didn't phase your team and that your internship ended on a high note!

  2. I love the fact that you had a final project at the end of the internship. I feel like even though it may have been time consuming, I would have learned a bit more had I had to do something extra. It would be interesting to do a research project that would in some way benefit the company and also be good practice for public speaking skills in a professional setting!

  3. That's great that you had a team that you worked with and could brainstorm with. It sounds like a fun end to your internship. Good luck, let us know if you won!
