Friday, August 8, 2014

Looking back on my internship at MAW

Even though I have only had one year at UofM, I think that the work ethic and organization that I learned definitely helped with my internship at Make-A-Wish Michigan. My job involved creating spreadsheets for every task that I worked on. The largest project that I worked on was trying to get donations from a chain of stores. Each store has a different way that they accept donation requests so I had to call 59 different stores. I was continually taking notes about what people said, who to call back, and what I was going to do with the information. The organization that I learned from my classes at Michigan definitely helped with this project.

I think my internship has taught me about my passions in life and myself. At first, I was not that excited about being on the phone everyday and talking with people. But after a while, I realized that what I was doing was helping change someone’s life. I am now thinking about majoring in public relations or public policy. I want to be in an environment that allows me to express my opinions while helping someone else.

I think having a liberal arts education will help with whatever career I decide to pursue. The most important things that I have learned are not necessarily the math formulas or the history of education, but more the skills that I needed to work on a group project or manage my time between work and school. These skills helped with my internship and they will continue to help me with other internships and work experiences. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the soft skills that we gain from the liberal arts are often what we find the most useful in "real life". That said, you mention working a lot with spreadsheets, and I think that Excel is a skill that almost everyone needs. I recommend taking a class on it at Michigan to learn about the more complicated uses!
