Thursday, August 14, 2014

Catch Up

So the past week and a half has been very busy at work since my co-intern left. I've essentially been doing double the amount of research and other daily tasks. There is a lesson to be learned from this, though!

Since she has gone, I've had to manage my time much more efficiently and be responsible for tasks I was previously not accountable for. Thankfully, my supervisors were not too tough on me and realized that some things were just not going to be able to get done in the same time frame.

Along with my lessons in time management and responsibility, I was able to sit down and listen to a talk that an executive in my office gave to a class of aspiring artists. It was a very inspiring talk, and I could tell these kids learned a lot about the industry that they previously were unaware of (similar to me at the start of my internship). It was amazing to see these young talented artists because they kid very well be the next superstars signed to Atlantic.

Since my internship is now done, I will soon be posting a piece on my overall experience here at Atlantic Records.

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