Sunday, August 17, 2014

Looking Back on Scoutmob

Looking back on my internship at Scoutmob, there was a lot that I was prepared for and a lot that I was not prepared for! First, I learned about so many new tools that ecommerce companies use to track customer activity (Google Analytics), tools that are used to schedule social media posts (Viral Tag), and also tools to send out mass emails (MailChimp). These are tools that Scoutmob used all the time, but that I do not think I will learn about in my classes. I definitely think it’s important to keep learning how to use these tools, because there is so much more to know that I did not learn about them.

On the other hand, I felt prepared on how to go about my internship and how to work in the office. I have had to work with other people at Michigan, which was a huge part of my internship. I also feel that Michigan has prepared me with a great work ethic. When I was given work, it was natural to me to work diligently but with a lot of attention to detail. Sometimes I would finish much earlier than my boss had expected, and he wouldn’t have anything else for me to do! I learned to take my time on my work so that it is done very precisely. I noticed that I did not get distracted at work as much as I get distracted at school. I find myself browsing Facebook and the Internet while I’m trying to study, but I rarely did that while I was working. Knowing that I had expectations to meet definitely made me work hard and focus. After this internship, I now know what else I would like to learn from Michigan and what skills I can continue to work on.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear about these valuable tools you learned at your internship. These are definitely great skills for you to have for the future.
