Saturday, August 9, 2014

CEO for a day!

As an In-Kind intern at Make-A-Wish, I worked on many different requests. The most difficult part of the requests was actually being able to receive the request with adequate time before the items were needed. Some members of staff gave their requests to us months in advance, which is perfect. But other employees gave us a week to get breakfast and lunch donated, and on one occasion, we had to find 750 personalized cookies in about 2 weeks. If I was the CEO, I would make sure that In-Kind requests are requested at least 2 months before they are needed. That way, whoever has to find the requested items has time to plan everything and make sure that we get the best deals on those items.  

If I were the CEO, I would want to involve interns in some of the wish parties that take place for kids. I think it would be nice for interns, and even the staff, to get out of the office more and see what their actions are doing to impact children’s lives.

I think I would also try to create another office in more northern Michigan. There are quite a few children who live up in Traverse City and other northern cities who have pending wishes. I think it would be easier to meet these wish families, teach the community about what Make-A-Wish does, and even encourage people to become volunteers, if we had an office in Northern Michigan.

Even though I think changes can be made to Make-A-Wish Michigan, I still had an amazing experience interning there. Every person that works there is committed to helping children’s wishes come true. I hope to be able to work for a company that is so well known for doing such positive things to help the community.


  1. Opening a second office sounds like a really great idea. I'm happy for you though that you had such a good experience with your internship this summer.

  2. I think Make A Wish is such a great organization! It's awesome you got to experience all the amazing things they do first hand
