Sunday, August 10, 2014

Week 7: Speakers

During the first half of this week, I was able to produce a list of possible revenue streams the company could take. It took a lot of research to learn about revenue streams currently in the market that best fit our situation. I will be presenting my work to the team next week to gain feedback and new ideas to improve my current search.

This week, we went to Northshore LIJ medical facility to speak with industrial engineers working there. During our visit, we learned about their career paths and the projects they performed at LIJ. It was really inspiring to hear their story of how they reached their current job. As an industrial engineer at the medical facility, the work that they do has really transformed the structure of the hospital to be extremely efficient. It was wonderful being able to learn from professionals in the field. We even received a tour of the facility. Not only did we visit LIJ, we also visited Montefiore Medical Center to check the progress of our application to the social worker in charge of this pilot. We were able gain valuable feedback that revealed our current progress was right on track of what they desired. With a few a more changes, it seems that this application will be ready for the pilot. It is exciting to see all the work we have put into this application these past few weeks has been paying off. With only one week left, I wonder what more we can still accomplish.

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