Wednesday, August 13, 2014

CEO For a Day!

Looking back on my internship at HollywoodLife, I've learned a lot about the importance of a few things, mainly making everything we do appear as professional as possible. Even on the most well-edited news sites, typos can still seep through and make something grade-A seem amateur. I wouldn't stigmatize mistakes that people make in their articles or postings regarding these kinds of errors but seek ways to reward those who either don't make them or catch them during the editing process before content goes live.

For me as a video editor, typos were not the main concern. Making content seem flawless and professional is analogous to catching grammar errors in written work. This is what makes editing take forever and what makes it so tricky sometimes. With new software coming out and so many different programs to work with, it's easy to miss little things and make careless errors especially when working with graphics. At HollwoodLife, my mentor, Gino, was basically the entire video department. The company is also expanding to start new video news segments and a podcast. That's a lot for one person, even if they have a few interns helping them. If I were CEO I would expand the video department to have a greater presence both on the company website and on youtube.

Overall there's not a huge change I would make to HollywoodLife, but I would hope for more help for the one-man video department.


  1. Hi Jeremy,

    In a content-heavy industry such as the media, it's definitely important to catch the errors and typos before its too late. I like your idea of rewarding the people who find the errors, maybe it'd even be helpful to create a "buddy" system where people are paired up to proofread each others' content. I hope your mentor gets some help too, as that sounds like a big responsibility for one person.

  2. It would be a very smart idea to expand the video department; I feel like in todays age videos are more likely to capture people's attention than reading articles.
