Friday, August 15, 2014

Post #5 - Looking Back on Katz Direct

Having taken mostly introduction classes thus far in my college career I didn’t have the advantage of beginning my internship with much background knowledge of this specific industry. That being said, the discipline I have gained from being in such a rigorous academic environment at the University of Michigan has allowed me to approach my given tasks at Katz Direct with a level of confidence that I may otherwise not have had. Whenever I was given a large stack of paperwork to either complete, fax, or file, I was able to concentrate and break down the process efficiently, rather than being too overwhelmed by the excessive amount of work to even know where to begin.

I was pleasantly surprised by how genuinely nice and friendly all my co-workers were. Whenever I would complete an assignment they would thank me for my hard work and were very understanding of the tasks’ monotony. Each of them also went out of their way to get to know me and learn about my career goals. This made for a comfortable work atmosphere where I was able to ask questions, seek advice or help, and voice concerns to those around me. Looking back, I am able to evaluate how much this internship taught me about the television commercial industry as well as the general day-to-day work done in a business office. 


  1. It sounds like you had a very good experience at your internship! The things you learned during this time is much more valuable than anything you could have learned in class! Now you will have a really cool experience to help you when you do start to take applicable classes! Best of luck!

  2. Glad to hear you had a great experience this summer! Also awesome to see that you were able to use what you've learned thus far and apply it in the workplace.
