Thursday, August 14, 2014

Looking Back

                I have used my liberal arts education in my internship tremendously. By integrating my knowledge that I have learned through my entrepreneurship classes, I have really exceeded at taking responsibility and figuring out the best way to do things during my internship this summer. My sociology classes at Michigan let me look at patterns in the way people interact this summer at my internship, and in turn allowed me to gauge myself accordingly and fit in really fast here. My sociology classes also gave me insight on how to market to different people, age groups, sexes, etc. I feel very thankful to go to a school as amazing as the University of Michigan to learn such amazing skills that I will be able to take with me throughout life.

                I was surprised at how much I loved my internship this summer. At first, I thought it would only be a resume builder and a money maker. However, as the summer progressed I realized quickly that I would soon call this place my home and the people here would be family. As my internship is ending I feel a bittersweet emotion inside me. I am so thankful for this experience, yet so sad to leave. I know that I will keep in touch with everyone here, and come back to visit as often as possible. 


  1. It is so nice that your education helped prepare you and settle in nicely for your internship. Its great that you enjoyed your internship and coworkers so much.

  2. I also thought that it would just be a job opportunity for me. I never imagined how connected I would get to the people, places, and things that would come along with it. I'm glad to hear you plan on keeping in touch with everyone there. I plan on doing the same!

  3. Enjoying your job makes it so much easier to work hard day in and day out! Great to hear you were able to use your sociology experience at your internship this summer.. makes it feel like all the hard work is paying off!
