Sunday, August 17, 2014

Looking Back

Having just finished my internship, I look back on it very fondly. Going in, I had no idea what to expect and it definitely opened my eyes. One of the most important things that I think I will take away from this experience is getting to see a corporate company and office firsthand. Although I do not quite know what career path I will take, getting an idea of how a large corporation such as Cumulus functions has been incredible. Getting a feel for what each person in the office does and how they work together was very helpful and interesting to see. Looking back, I also realized that while a lot of the work I did was very easy, tedious and simple (such as stapling papers, making phone calls, cutting paper and giving away bumper stickers), all of it is necessary to make the large things happen. It has also definitely made me realize that I am still very interested in the world of media, but not necessarily radio. I feel very lucky to have had this opportunity and have made great friends and connections throughout my internship. While there were many perks to my job including concerts and free tickets, my favorite part of working with Cumulus was the people, because they were all so warm, friendly, energetic and hard-working.


  1. Like you I am very grateful for my experience mainly because it gave me an opportunity to get real work experience and see if my career goals were the same or different after my internship

  2. I agree! It doesn't seem to major, but just simply learning about how a company works was also something very interesting that I learned from my internship!

  3. Awesome that you were able to see how although the work you do as an intern may "seem" tedious and sometimes a bit useless, it actually is not, but is crucial to the company.
