Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Initial Impressions of Today’s Business

Hi everyone!

To introduce myself, my name is Alex. I’m going into my sophomore year at the U-M. My major is currently undecided. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing a little bit about my internship experience with you all here at this blog!

I’m doing an internship in social media marketing for a start up called Today’s Business. They’re located in New Jersey and they specialize in digital marketing. I’m focusing on the social media aspect of the company, working with two of the company’s clients.

The feel of the office is very “start up-ish.” By that, I mean that it’s an office that maintains a certain professionalism, while having a relaxed feel as well. The dress is business casual; I’m even allowed to wear jeans. This creates a relaxed feel to the office.

What helps maintain the looser culture is the office is very young, meaning the workers are more open than they would be at a larger corporation. Everyone from the lower-level community managers to the CEO has made themselves open to interns’ questions and concerns. This creates a certain openness. it helps myself and the other interns feel welcome and makes us feel like we’re playing a genuine role in the company.

I can’t wait to share more about my experience at Today’s Business over these next several posts! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. The company I interned for also had a relaxed atmosphere; the dress was casual, music was always playing, people working together. I felt comfortable in the office, which helped me get more work done.
