Saturday, August 23, 2014

Looking back on Atlanta Magazine!

I just finished my internship with Atlanta Magazine, which is very bittersweet! I spent my last day working at the last event of the summer. This event celebrated the major suburb of Atlanta, Buckhead, which is currently undergoing huge renovations. The event took place at a nice hotel/apartment building in the area, and the magazine was able to invite their VIP list and celebrate the up and coming area! For most of the night, I guided guests to the vacant model apartment that was being shown. While I didn’t do much at the event, it was a great way to end my summer.

Looking back on my internship, I have realized everything I have been prepared for and what I can improve on in the future. First off, I definitely am proud of my work ethic and think that I have learned great time management skills while at Michigan. My boss would constantly compliment my ability to finish work quickly, but he would still be impressed with the quality of my work. On the other hand, I think I could work on finding projects to work on when I was finished with my work. Many times, I would find myself sitting around waiting for my boss to give me something to do (and he would disappear on occasion), so I feel that in the future I should work on being creative with my free time. Other employees were very grateful when I would ask them for help, so I think that is something I will begin to do at my next internship. Overall, I felt very prepared for this experience! I learned a lot about the magazine industry (and more specifically, the local magazine industry), and had a great time while doing it. Attached are a few pictures from the event!       


  1. It's great to hear that life at Michigan helped to prepare you for a real world experience ! I definitely had similar feelings about when my bosses would be busy and leave me with nothing to do. In a way it was good that I had the assignments done, but I felt that I should have been busier.

  2. Your comment about finishing assignments early is very relatable; sometimes when that happened to me, I found that it was helpful to simply ask (email, talk directly, etc.) my supervisor if there was anything else I could work on. I think employers like to see that you're taking initiative and actively trying to contribute. On the other hand, it's awesome that you managed your time well enough to finish assignments early on a regular basis.

  3. I understand exactly what you're talking about with having a little too much free time. My work was very task-oriented and sometimes I had hours of downtime where I had to try to remain productive. It sounds like you had a great experience though! Thanks for sharing!
