Friday, August 15, 2014

A Farewell to Music City

Well, I wrapped up my internship at The Tennessean. It was shockingly hard to walk out the front door, knowing it would be the last time. I guess that's a good sign that I had a positive experience though. I'm still mind-blown by all the writing I got published in just a few short months. I wasn't sure they'd let me write anything, let alone a bunch of articles each week! And the opportunity to meet all those famous country music artists, songwriters, and producers is nothing short of priceless. I had high expectations (knowing that I'd be working in country music reporting for Nashville's leading daily publication) so I never would've imagined my expectations would've been exceeded.

Not only have I become an efficient writer in the workplace, but I also know how to conduct myself in a huge variety of work environments -- whether it's at the office or some city event/concert that I'm writing a story for. Above all though, it gave me an astounding amount of career confidence. Having gone through this experience, I feel like I can apply for jobs at lots of different companies with confidence that I'll do a great work and be an asset to anyone I work for.

Now if I were CEO of the company..... I'd probably hire more writers to cover country music news. I couldn't believe we only had 1 or 2 writers for that! The people of Nashville need more country music news!!

Anyway, as silly as it may sound, I'm really eager to start working right away after getting such a good taste of my work field! It's bizarre to think that I still have one year left to finish up at school. With any luck I can get a job back in Nashville after I graduate. There's really no city quite like it.

- Greg Hicks


  1. Hi Greg! I'm glad you were able to get such a fulfilling experience out of your internship. It sounds like you had a lot of fun! This opportunity is sure to open a lot of doors for you, especially with all of the skills you've strengthened and the confidence you've gained. Best of luck!

  2. Hello Greg! I totally get the feeling of being fulfilled at your internship. It must have been fun to be able to work in the music industry especially in Nashville. I hope you will do well in the future in this industry or whatever path you choose to follow. Regards.

  3. I'm so glad that you had such a good hands on experience. I know a lot of internships don't always offer that. I loved reading about your job. It would be very interesting to discuss your experience, having worked in different parts of the country music industry!

  4. You're internship at The Tennesseean sounds like it was very helpful in your progression as a writer and person in general. I hope that one day I could have my work published, regardless of what discipline I specialize in. Moreover, similar to your confidence boost from writing for The Tennessean, I found that my internship in Spain allowed me to continue my development and progression into adulthood.

    I also think that you raise some good points with your plan for if you were CEO. I do not look too much into country music news, but I do enjoy country music, and feel that more country news could potentially help grow the country music fan base.

    Overall, your internship experience sounds awesome. I look forward to seeing more country music news down the line.
