Friday, August 15, 2014

Blog Post 6: CEO for a Day

If I was the CEO of Wigs 4 Kids for a day, I would change only one thing. The kids absolutely love the program and don’t want anything to change, and I agree (when it comes to the kids). My change would take place within administration.

The current CEO of Wigs 4 Kids is very involved with what goes on in every department. Every single project- whether it’s as simple as stuffing envelopes or as complicated as e-mailing corporate sponsors making an appeal for funding- must go through her first before completion.

This became very frustrating for me on more than one occasion. Whenever the CEO steps out of the office for a few hours or is in a meeting, all work that must go through her must be put on hold until she’s finished. In the meantime, other projects must then begin and continue until her approval is needed, and then that project must pause. It’s very frustrating to have 4 hours go by but not have any feelings of accomplishment.

Therefore, if I was the CEO of Wigs 4 Kids for a day, I would put more trust in my employees. I know that everyone on staff is capable of making the correct decisions, so I would not micro-manage all of their tasks. I think that this would increase productivity in the office, and since there are many projects that need to be completed each day, that would be important. Of course, I would make sure that the quality of each project is still high, but I think that more would get done if the staff was allowed to make their own decisions and judgments.


  1. I can definitely relate to this post. Many times throughout my day, I wouldn't be able to find my boss, and he was the only one who gave us work. I wish he was either in the office more, was giving me more to work on, or other people I could report to!

  2. This sounds like a great idea that will allow interns the ability to have some more freedom in their daily activities. This, I'm sure, would help the company greatly!
