Sunday, August 10, 2014

Blog Post 4: Changing Perspectives

When I first arrived at Wigs 4 Kids, I thought that each department would be completely separate from the others. No one in marketing would have to worry about the goings on in the salon, the social work department would have nothing to do with the financial department, etc.

After being here for five weeks, however, I have learned that this is not the case. Everybody is always in everybody else’s business. All departments are intertwined, and all projects come together for the bigger picture. I thought that was really interesting, and it has definitely changed my perspective on my position.

As I had mentioned in a previous blog post, I was very annoyed by having to do projects that were completely unrelated to my field. Now, I am able to give a new meaning to these projects. If I’m not drafting letters to corporate sponsors asking for funding, then Wigs 4 Kids could not afford to support its Ambassadors. If it could not support its Ambassadors, then it certainly could not provide them with therapy. Therefore, drafting letters to corporate sponsors is related to my field, although not directly.

This change in perspective has kept me motivated to get through my sixth and final week at Wigs 4 Kids. Even if it’s frustrating, I know now that all of the work I do is important in some way.

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