Thursday, August 14, 2014

Changing Perspectives

I’ve now been at Today’s Business for a decent amount of time. My initial impression of the office was that this was a company with a strong “start-up” feel and a very friendly staff. 

Over the course of my time here, my perspective on that hasn’t really changed. What has surprised me though is the amount of professionalism that exists around all of the fun that exists working at a start-up. While everyone is friendly and the environment is relaxed, there’s a focus on getting work done. The supervisors have started to conduct themselves in a more professional manner, making sure that the work gets done despite the relaxed feel. It’s a bit of a change from the first introductions, but it’s a working office and we, as interns, have jobs to do and tasks to get done. They make it clear that, while we’re absolutely allowed to have fun, it can’t be at the expense of our work. 

This change in perspective is for the better. It adds a new level to what I originally thought of the office. I had never heard of this company before applying, and it made it clear to me that this is a company that does quality work.

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