Sunday, August 10, 2014

Week 5

Overall my internship this summer was extremely different than what I expected. I assumed I was just going to take part in the clinical research aspect of the study. However as I became more involved in the project I was given more responsibilities. Midway through our research I was selected to lead a presentation on our data. Now most of this data is quantitative, so it was difficult to figure out how to represent it. However my Statistics 250 class really helped me organize the material. I used my knowledge on how to use SPSS to configure data analysis. My head researcher was actually impressed that I knew how to use the program. She also told me she wanted me to learn java programming so I could help with the other parts of the research project. Though I have very little interest in computer science learning programming can be beneficial for the future. Thus I have now begun my java programming classes. Overall I am pleased with how much I have learned through this internship, and how engaged I feel in the study.


  1. Hi Shreya,

    I think that Statistics is really important to a lot of different job fields, and that's why it a pre-req to many classes at Michigan. Knowing how to work SPSS and knowing how to communication the meaning of data are important skills, and it seems like you've got a good handle on both! It's great to hear that your supervisor is trusting you with more responsibility. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Shreya! It's so nice to see that you're doing so well at your internship! Being trusted with more responsibilities means you're doing something right :) I'm glad you were able to apply skills learned in your Stats 250 class to your position. Hopefully you'll be able to continue applying it in the future! Best of luck!

  3. That's great to hear that your previous classes helped during your internship. Statistics and Java are important skills that could definitely help you in many different types of jobs later in life. Personally I don't have many skills in either subject which can very much be a downfall sometimes.
