Friday, August 8, 2014

Week 6: CEO for a Day

Today is the last day of my internship, which is bittersweet! I look forward to returning to Ann Arbor, but my time here at ET was such a great learning experience and fun. Since, June 9th I've had the opportunity to interact with all of the employees and different parts of the show and observe how it works. Because Entertainment Tonight has been running since 1981, the show runs very smoothly as they have vast amounts of experience to work off. It's truly amazing how well they have everything down, especially because it is a daily show that gets made the same day it airs (for the most part). From what I have observed in this short time, there are only a few things I would do differently. For example, I would try to reach a younger audience by hiring young correspondents for the show. Because ET is such an established program, they have luxury of taking more risks, which I think they should capitalize on.

Other than the few suggestions above, ET is a well oiled machine that I had the pleasure of working at this summer. I can't even begin to describe how much I have learned from working here. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity as I have such a better understanding of this industry and I have been able to narrow the possibilities of my future career.

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