Saturday, August 23, 2014

Last post: CEO for a day!

Wow I can't believe I have spent 6 weeks as an intern in India at a nonprofit! I would've never imagine that this is where I would be spending my first internship or the work that it turned out I would be doing. It has a been a crazy journey and although there were definitely pros and cons I would not change it for the world. I am so glad I was able to take on this learning experience and it has changed my life for the better. If I were in charge of running this organization, I would definitely have recruited more partners. I have seen how hard it is for my boss to do everything by herself and she has no office staff (other than interns but interns are temporary help) so it is hard for her to have to take care of administrative work and constantly be out of the office in donor meetings or overseeing the inclusion program at the other school. I would make sure that there is a principal of the school to help oversee the day to day administrative tasks. A board of directors made up of characters from different backgrounds would also be super helpful because everyone could bring their own opinions and strengths. Overall, I think I would have made sure the organization was built on a more solid foundation before going live with NGO status. However, I do have to give my boss credit as she started the NGO by herself and now has a school with teachers and students. She has grown the organization a lot from since she started it (being able to have their own school even if it is renting). I think with a lot of help from the beginning she would have not had to do so much work now getting sponsors. However, I think getting unpaid interns has really helped the organization grow. I really look forward to hearing all about the organization as it grows and I'm so grateful for the time I spent there!

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