Thursday, August 28, 2014

Looking Back/Changing Perspectives

My experience at the University of Michigan has prepared me for my internship because ever since I’ve attended the University of Michigan I have developed a strong work ethic and sense of independence. I was extremely surprised coming into this internship the lack of instruction that I had received from any editors and the amount of independence that was expected of everyone. I also was astounded with how quickly it was expected that you catch onto certain things, there certainly wasn’t anyone to hold your hand. If I would have not gained the skills of being a hard worker while in college and being independent, I definitely would have struggled throughout this internship and would have had many break downs. Another event that I was surprised about was how quickly I was thrown onto a subway and told to go pick up a dress from a designer. Not being from New York City, and never having been to the city until two days prior to starting the internship I was shocked when I was handed an unlimited metro card and told to be back as soon as possible. My liberal arts education at the University of Michigan has allowed me to take various classes, those including some out of my comfort zone that I would have never taken if I was not required to have a certain amount of credits in humanities and race and ethnicity. Therefore, when it came time for me to run across the city and get on the subway, a foreign concept to me, I wasn’t nearly as scared as I would have been because I was used to being out of my comfort zone and challenging myself with new adventures.

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