Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Final Week at The Union Tribune

If I were CEO or the Editor of the Union Tribune I would first and foremost open the blinds and turn on the lights in the newsroom. It is a very dark environment and I would encourage fresh perspective through sunlight! I also would increase the number of staffers who were equipped to publish stories online and use other social media outlets. I worked with the social media director during my last couple weeks to bring attention to the Union Tribune’s Pinterest cite. I added pins to a gardening, dining, style, wine & beer, entertainment and a Comic-Con board. I would encourage all staffers to pin their own stories and make their own boards when they felt it appropriate.

My final week I am working on my story about snow shaved desserts. The interview was really interesting because the owner of the shop very much wanted me to write the article about his ramen shop and not about this new up and coming dessert. He served me and the photographer ramen, crepes and snow ice dessert. All very delicious but it was a bit overwhelming to be asking questions, taking notes and eating all a the same time. Today I finished up my story and definitely can feel that it is my best and most efficient story of the summer. I now understand not only how to write features better but put a story through the editing process. I’ve enjoyed my time at the Union Tribune and can’t believe I only have one more day left.


  1. Hi Claire! Those sound like great ideas! Social media, especially Pinterest, is becoming so important for companies to reach out to potential customers (as it has for the organization I'm interning for!), so establishing a system like you suggested is great. It sounds like you're really enjoying your internship. Best of luck on your last day!

  2. I totally know what you mean about the difficulties of taking notes and trying out a food place at the same time! I had to do a few similar features stories for my newspaper as well. It's quite a balancing act! I hope you enjoyed the rest of your time working there.
