I wrote a little bit about my colleagues in my introductory post. Everyone from the community managers to the CEO and other Managing Partners of the company are open to helping interns solve the problems that come up in our daily work. This means that every employee of the company becomes a mentor to the team of interns. Each employee is in their 20’s, which helps create a friendly relationship. The mentor-mentee relationship is without some of the strictness of one that would exist in a larger company. They’re people from whom you could seek help and get advice from during the work day, and then have a long conversation about TV at lunch!
There is some structured mentoring in the company. One of the roles of the community managers is to provide direct feedback to interns on their work. They sit down with us and tell us how we could improve our content or what we could do to gain more interaction on our posts.
For me, I work with one manager on my two accounts and we’ve formed a great mentor-mentee relationship. He has great knowledge of what types of posts people will get the most interaction and how to phrase specific social media posts in a way that people respond. He’s helped me improve the posts I write, which has helped my writing in general.
This seems to be an effective method and I am glad that you are benefiting from this work structure!