Sunday, August 17, 2014

Building Relationships at Atlanta Magazine

While working at the Atlanta Magazine, I have learned how important it is to maintain important relationships. Last week, Randy set up a meeting with the new receptionist, Jessica, and I to explain how all of the events work at the magazine and what occurs behind the scenes. I learned about the partnership between the magazine and the clients, and I also learned about the more technical monetary side. First, I learned that the reason a client will use Atlanta Magazine is as a result of the sales representative and her relationship with the client. There are a few different magazines in Atlanta, so it’s important that the sales rep maintains a good relationship with them. After the client chooses to work with Atlanta Magazine, they will typically give the magazine a budget for an event and what they would like to be involved in the event. Atlanta magazine has a running relationship with a caterer and ice sculptor company among many other companies. These relationships make it natural for the magazine to use these companies that they have a relationship with. The caterer and ice sculptor company will not over-charge because Atlanta Magazine gives them a great amount of business, and they work well together. With these established relationships, the companies always feel comfortable working together and can assure to the client that the event will be a success.
I also learned that this budget does not only include food and décor at the event, but also advertisements and profit. The budget will usually include an advertisement in the magazine for a few months, and there is also room for the magazine to profit from the event. In the future, I am definitely going to work on maintaining good relationships wherever I work and with whomever I work with!

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