Sunday, August 31, 2014

Closing Thoughts

It is crazy how fast the summer flew during my internship at Cardinal Health.  The last week of work was jammed pack full with interviews for potential positions within the EMERGE leadership rotational program next year as well as a final presentation. 

EMERGE is a 3-4 year rotational program that Cardinal Health offers for high potential students who want to be leaders in the future.  Each year you are in a different position within your area of interest and sometimes you even get to relocate to other locations There are a variety of positions based on your area of interest: Finance, Engineering, IT, Marketing, Sales, HR, and a couple more.  I interviewed for both the Marketing and Sales EMERGE program.  It was neat because the majority of people I interviewed with were at the Vice President level of their respective field.  I am crossing my fingers and will hear back at the beginning of September if I am offered a full time position for next year. 

I also had my end of summer presentation during the final week of my internship. During my presentation I was able to talk about the different projects I worked on throughout the summer as well as the variety of intern events I was involved in.  We all had to give 20 minute presentations to some of our fellow interns, our managers, coworkers, and the leaders of the College Relations team.  I was a little nervous at first but everything went really smoothly.   It was neat to hear about all of the other cool projects that interns worked on during the summer and how we each had a big impact on the company as a whole.  Overall it was a great summer and I learned a lot about myself and the healthcare industry. 

The CEO George Barrett even showed up at a Michigan intern event.  Go Blue! 


  1. It sounds like Cardinal Health offers a great opportunity for professional development, as well as for upward mobility within the company. That rotational program seems very interesting. Last summer, I was working on creating a rotational program within my team at Adobe, and based on your blog, it definitely appears to keep things fresh within the office and provides employees more perspective on the different areas within the company. Your experience at Cardinal Health sounds awesome and very beneficial.

  2. That's awesome that you were able to get so much "real world" experience with your internship! And I am kind of jealous you got to meet the CEO; not every intern can say they had that opportunity. Good for you!
