Sunday, August 31, 2014

If I were CEO at Atlanta Magazine

         Over the course of my internship at Atlanta Magazine, I realized how many different aspects there are to a magazine, yet how important it is that there is a respectable CEO who can keep the company working well together. The CEO of the magazine was not very well liked by many employees, and I would overhear them complaining about him on multiple occasions. I think it’s important that the CEO has a good relationship with employees, in order to keep the company running smoothly and successfully.

            On the other hand, I worked for the Head of Marketing and Event Planning, who I could not have enjoyed more. He was very appreciative of my work, which was very encouraging because although it seemed boring at times, he really needed it done. He would also let me leave every day when I was done with what I was working on, which I really appreciated. He understood that it was doing nobody any good for me to be sitting around with nothing to work on! If I could change something about my internship, it would have been to learn more about the magazine industry. Although the work that I did was very helpful to my boss, I felt as if I wasn’t really learning very much. I think it’s really valuable that an intern learns as much as possible about a particular industry, and I wish I had learned a bit more than I did. All in all, I really enjoyed working for Randy and felt that this was a great internship!


  1. Overall sounds like you were able to take a lot away from Atlanta Magazine. The work with the marketing and event planning sounds so awesome I am jealous that sounds so interesting!

  2. Why do you think the CEO wasn't liked by his employees? I wonder if he is aware of that and -if he were -if he would change some of his policies or behaviors to fix his reputation or bring the company together.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Interesting. Sometimes its better to not be liked by the people you're leading seems like thing were able to still get accomplished.
