Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Overcoming Obstacles at OXO

Well, I thought I posted this a long time ago but I guess it never went through, so I thought that this would be a good post to end on since I already wrote the one where I am supposed to talk about being CEO for a day. Anyway, it seems as though my boss has been very pleased with me throughout the course of this internship. When I asked her for feedback, she told me that I definitely am an efficient and enthusiastic worker. Something she seems to constantly emphasize to me though, is that I need to be a little more assertive. By this she means to trust myself, to take the initiative and not have to ask permission to do things. I definitely think that throughout my internship, I gained more confidence in this area and became more independent. It was definitely a challenge for me because I am always nervous about making a mistake or disappointing people; however, that seems to be part of the work experience for just about everyone. Now, when I am in doubt regarding something, I make a decision myself, go with it, and if it's not the correct one my boss will tell me and I fix my own mistakes. I think that if I were to go back and change things now, I would have from the start, trusted myself more. Confidence seems to be the key in succeeding at a job like this, when you are at a company with a lot of creative and independent work. On another note, of course, I am excited to be completing my internship, but at the same time I am kind of sad because I have learned so much.


  1. Hi Sari! It's great to hear that you've grown so much during your internship. I'm glad that you have received such positive feedback from your boss! I am currently experiencing the same problem with assertiveness and confidence at my internship. Hopefully I will grow out of it as I continue to learn, as you have!

  2. Congrats on finishing your internship! It's great to hear of all the things you learned from it. It will be very helpful when you go on to future internships and jobs. I will agree though confidence if so important, no matter the job, and it definitely can be hard especially when theres so many people above you. Good luck in the future!
