Tuesday, June 17, 2014

First week as an intern

I am wrapping up my first week at my internship program, and I must say it is very exciting. The first two days I was part of an orientation program. I was flown out to company headquarters where on the first day the interns received laptops and heard different speeches about company history, culture, and different aspects of the business. I also needed to complete logistical information such as signing contracts, and completing assignments regarding legal issues, privacy rights, and other similar topics. The next day our internship class had a bonding activity by working together in an underprivileged housing area. We were able to help the community while also getting to know each other and be comfortable with each other outside the workforce. Yesterday, I joined my team at their office, and was introduced to everyone as well as became acquainted with the building. By the end of the day, I was given my first project and a mentor to help me move forward with it. I am very excited about the learning opportunities at my internship this summer. Throughout the program I will be learning about all aspects of the company business through educational seminars, while also being narrowly focused in a specific aspect. I look forward to next week!  


  1. You have such a great attitude about beginning your internship! It is always good to be given an introduction, and even bonding among the interns! It is nice that they want you to feel comfortable with one another.

  2. I totally agree! It is really exciting to begin the internship and to start on the first set of projects!

  3. That is such a neat experience that they flew you out to the company's headquarters, I feel as though that truly shows how much the company cares about their interns.
