Wednesday, June 4, 2014

M&A Finance Internship-Week 1

My first week at NFP (National Financial Partners) Headquarters in New York City has been a smooth transition into my summer internship. Already in the first week I have learnt more thank I could have thought of. I have a clear understanding of the trading of insurance and the unique business that NFP is involved with. Living 15 minutes away from work doesn't hurt however the busy streets of New York make it a challenge especially after I brutally sprained my ankle playing basketball the day before my first day at NFP. I have been able to meet with the Senior Vice Presidents of the Mergers and Acquisitions department at NFP as I limp around the office with my swollen and badly bruised ankle.

With regards to work, I have been assigned to look through past deal evaluations and analyze financial data of companies NFP have acquired to gain and understanding of what to look for when initiating and effectively completing a buyout. Some of the deals that have been made in the past month have had the acquired company valued at several millions of dollars and it has been very interesting to watch these transactions take place.

I have learnt that every deal, every transaction and every company has a diverse personality and different complications in that NFP need to understand and adapt to when negotiating and closing the deals. Working under the Senior Vice President of M&A at NFP, Carl Nelson, I have been able to learn the hands on role required as an executive at a financial firm when dealing with clients and potential acquisitions.

I am looking forward to my next six weeks at NFP and hope that I can learn and experience more of the corporate world, a world I would like to be part of following college.

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