Monday, August 4, 2014

Last Weeks - Michigan State Capitol

  Being that I'm only a sophomore this year, I can't say that many of the classes I've taken have been very relevant to my internship experience.  My first-year writing class surely proved helpful when I was asked to draft letters and tributes to constituents.  Overall, I think my internship experience is comparable to my experiences at U of M in that I put myself in an unfamiliar environment, yet made adjustments in order to feel comfortable and aid in the process of learning.
  Likewise, none of the situations I've faced have really caught me off guard.  When I handled a constituent's case over the phone, I was a little nervous, but I composed myself and was able to communicate with the woman and successfully obtain information in order for us to help solve her problem.

These last few weeks at my internship have been really nice.  I got to spend some time in the district and help put up campaign signs, call constituents, and attend a meeting with the Grand Blanc township supervisor, which I really enjoyed.  During tomorrow's primary, I will be at the polls working for Jennifer Manley, an assistant prosecutor who is running for Michigan's 67th district judge.  Previously, I had the chance to meet Jennifer and discuss potential opportunities working with her in the future. A very nice and intelligent woman with a lot of experience in law, I really hope she has a successful campaign and am glad to support her efforts in doing so.
Scott and Tim doing work 
Yay signs!

Charlie and his dog Nellie 

1 comment:

  1. Morgan,

    Seems to me like these last weeks you have really gotten a chance to get deeper into the campaign. I hope that you maintain your connections because that is what it is all about in this day and age. Keep up the good work!!
