Monday, August 4, 2014

CEO for the Day

I loved the company I worked for. The way they worked and operated helped attribute to their success. However, I do think (and they agree) that they need more people working there, for there are currently only eleven employees. They actually hired a new employee who will be starting this month, which I think is great. They recently signed new a few new and important clients, so having more employees will increase productivity and prevent other employees from feeling stressed. I also think that there should be more meetings focused on specific clients. A few people work on each client, but I think that these small teams need to meet more frequently to discuss what exactly is going on and what needs to be done. They communicate with each  other constantly, but I still think that there should be more meetings involving brainstorming for new ideas for each client. Other than that, I think things went very smoothly at the company and am so glad I got to experience working in such a positive and rewarding environment. The internship taught me so much and now I feel much more confident that I will be able to succeed in the real world.

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way about my internship. My department, at least, really needs more people. I hope they hire someone else. It's great that you learned a lot and are feeling confident now.
