Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Week 6

As my internship comes to an end, I realize just how much I actually learned. I think the most valuable skill I will walk away with is the ability to write and apply for grants. Although I don’t necessarily want to work for a non-profit organization, grant writing is a skill that will help me no matter what I do.

While working at Barr-Harris, I thought a lot about what I would change if I were in charge. Given that this is a non-profit organization that runs on grants, they are constantly looking for new places to apply for grants and always looking for more ways to fund their organization. If I were in charge, I would want to start a yearly fundraiser. Fundraisers can help bring in a lot of money and also can help Barr-Harris get their name out there and become more known. Over the course of my internship, I was able to attend a few fundraisers with the workers at Barr-Harris that were very successful. One of the key aspects to Barr-Harris is that they treat people who don’t have a lot of money. Therefore, although many of the people who used this resource would like to help fund it, they are unable to do so. Because of this, a fundraiser may have some obstacles to cross, but I believe it could be possible.


  1. What kinds of fundraising ideas do you have? And, would fundraising on a yearly basis be more advantageous than a biannual or quarterly fundraiser?

  2. I think it's a great idea that you would start a fundraiser. I agree, it's a great way to put a name out into the public.
