Friday, August 1, 2014

Post 6: CEO for the Day at UrbanBound

CEO for the Day at UrbanBound

I am so sad that my internship at UrbanBound is coming to a close. I have learned so much in their marketing department this summer and have made some great contacts. I even talked to my supervisor about possibly continuing to write blogs for them while I am at school, so I won't be completely losing touch with UB!

If I were CEO for the day at UrbanBound, I would create a more comprehensive internship program. The company has about five to six interns at a time. We are all scattered among different departments, but the company is one big open space so we still are able to see and overhear what everyone else is working on. If they were to establish a program, rather than each team individually bringing on an intern, I would have felt a greater sense of community in the office. I wish that they had the interns get to know each other or even invited us to bonding events after work. Once, we all received an email that they were holding an event with all of the interns and the CEOs to hear them talk about the company and where they see it going. I was so excited and felt like my internship was becoming more like a program. Unfortunately, they soon cancelled the event due to time conflicts. I asked if it would be rescheduled and was told yes, but sadly it never was and I was extremely bummed. I know that all of us interns love working at UrbanBound, but I think the company should create opportunities for us to mingle with the rest of the team, instead of staying in our departments, and work to really make us feel like a part of the company.


  1. It's great that you learned a lot and made some strong connections, but it is even more valuable that you noticed something the company could do to enhance it's internship program

  2. I'm sorry that you didn't get the chance to work alongside other interns, that was one of the most valuable parts of my internship. It's good that you really wanted to reach out and make connections with other interns though. You've made great points and hopefully they change this for the internship program in the future
