Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Blog Post 1 - First Day

Yesterday was my first day as a Recruitment Intern at Main Line Health. Main Line Health is a non-profit health care system that is made up of a network of hospitals, rehab centers, and a home health center in the northwestern suburbs of Philadelphia. Main Line Health employs over 10,000 people, so the HR and Recruitment team are a vital part of the organization. There are 5 main hospitals: Lankenau Medical Center, Bryn Mawr Hospital, Bryn Mawr Rehab Center, Riddle Hospital, and Mirmont Treatment Center. Though each separate entity has its own HR office on site, the corporate Human Resources office, which is where my internship mostly takes place, is in Radnor, PA at the corporate office.

My first day was Monday, June 2nd, and it was great. I got to the office at 8:30am and was greeted by one of the two Recruitment Coordinators, Julie. Julie, along with the other Recruitment Coordinator Megan, trained me for the first half of the day and oriented me with the building. Everyone was very friendly, and something I found interesting that Julie mentioned is that most of the staff in the building are women. Instead of having a men's and women's bathroom on each floor, some of the floors of the building have two women's bathrooms instead!

Anyway, they showed me the more simple tasks my job entails including running background checks on applicants, completing files on applicants who have recently been hired, calling applicants to schedule interviews and calling references. While it was a lot to take in, I got the hang of all of the computer programs and their filing systems pretty quickly. The Director of Recruitment came over to introduce herself in person (we only met via Skype during my video) and she was very welcoming.

I then left around 12:30 to go to the Bryn Mawr campus to get my ID badge, and to get lunch. My desk with my ID badge is pictured below.
After lunch, I returned to the office and continued running background checks, filing, and making phone calls like they taught me. All in all it was a great first day. My first impression of my coworkers was that they all really loved their jobs, took it seriously, and were happy to have me there. Because the office is mostly cubicles, everyone can hang out and talk while they are working and everyone seemed to be friends as well as coworkers, making for a a comfortable atmosphere. I'm really looking forward to what the rest of the summer holds and I really think I will learn a lot considering the amount I learned in one day! Next week they plan on bringing me to actual interviews so I can see how the different recruiters vary in style and what kinds of questions they ask. I'm excited!


  1. Besides recruiting will you get to do anything else in your internship?

  2. Wow sounds like they sent you off and running E! (hope you dont take offense; I tend to use nicknames for my peers!)

    Mainline health seems like a graet organization and the work your putting in as an intern is both a worthwhile learning experience as well as a philanthropic venture on your own part-double whammy!

    Keep up the good work and I hope it continues as well as it starts!! Goodluck!!!!!

  3. The environment sounds really friendly and welcoming! I find it extremely interesting that your office is mostly women. Sounds like you're off to a great start and good luck!!
