Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Blog Post 1 - First Day

Hectic first day. I was told to be at the office at 11. This being my first time alone in New York City, I decided to give myself way too much time for the commute. Leaving my apartment at 9:30, I arrived 45 minutes early and patently awaited my boss to arrive from his meeting. I am working for an European Retail Company called Kering. It owns brands such as Gucci, Balenciaga, Stella Mcartney, Puma and many more. I am personally working in the real estate department which goes out and finds  different locations for the brands. Once he arrived, I was immediately immersed in the company. Learning about each brand, what he does for them and what I would be doing.

I was put to work right away. Granted some of the work was simple filing and using excel, but a great deal of what I was doing was directly affecting the real world. I was learning about different pieces of real estate not just in NYC, but all around America. I was taught how much rent a location should pay based off of expected revenue. A few hours ago I knew nothing about the Real Estate world, and I already knew that I loved it.

Before I started work, my boss told me that I was invited to a dinner he was having with two clients from Miami on Monday night. I happened to be close family friends with one of the clients so it worked out perfectly. The dinner was so interesting. I was involved in the conversation and completely interested in what was going on. I saw real deals happening in front of my eyes and truly took interest in what was happening. I got back to my apartment at 11:30 and could not wait for the next day. Overall it was a great first day.


  1. I had a similar first experience. I also work in the city and arrived way too early not knowing what to do with myself. It is definitely a frustrating, but a very typical way to start an internship!

  2. Just like you I was immediately immersed in the company and I think it is a great way to start your first day at a new internship. If they did not immediately immerse us we might have felt like we were in the way or they did not trust us to perform simple tasks. It sounds like you are going to love your internship and that your boss sees a lot of potential in you since he already invited you to dinner!

  3. It sounds like you are already starting to enjoy your internship! I too arrived way too early just to make sure that I was there on time! Can't wait to hear more about your experience.
