Monday, June 9, 2014

Getting to Acclimated: Blog Post 2

On my internship site, I work very l work very closely with the owner of the company, and also with the director of the store. Because these two people are (relatively) close to my age, it is easy to relate and also communicate with them. They are also great mentors for my time at my internship. 

The owner of the store is one of the most hardworking people I have ever met. The amount of hard work and dedication that goes into the store every day is something that I admire greatly. He is very passionate about his work, which inspires me to work in a field that I am passionate about as well. He also is very skilled across the boards: from communication with customers and collaborators to Photoshop and computer programs, he handles basically every aspect of the store and does it well.

The director of the store is someone that I work a little bit more with. She is also very passionate in her work and loves what she does. Her communicative skills and ability to think on her feet are very admirable. She is very accomplished for her age and is also very hardworking. Both of my bosses have helped me improve at work and have also taught me a few important computer skills!

After talking to my colleagues about following a career of our bosses, we all agreed that the first step would be to find something we are passionate about. We agreed that it would be easy to get into the retail industry, but it would take hard work to work our way up. However, to actually open a cause based clothing store (which is exactly what the owner did) it would be important to find a cause that really means a lot. Then, it would require a degree and a great deal of support and capital to open your own store. Although this is not exactly what I want to do, I have learned that I want to work with different people and different projects continually.

Last week we had a pop-up shop in Detroit and collaborate with another social entrepreneur. It was a cool opportunity and the chance in pace at work was exciting. I enjoyed the advertising for the event and also the set-up.

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