Friday, June 6, 2014

Getting to Know My Colleagues

After about a month at Make-A-Wish® Michigan, I am beginning to get to know many of my fellow interns and colleagues.  Being one of the youngest interns in the office, I really consider many of the other interns as mentors.

This past week I met an intern, Karol, who is going to be a senior next year at Alma. She is working with the volunteer team but on Tuesdays, I work right next to her. We ate lunch together last week and it was great getting to know her story and why she chose to work at Make-A-Wish.

Where I sit with Hannah on Thursdays
On Thursdays, I get to sit with Hannah. She is going to be a graduating from MSU in December. I think she could be a great mentor because a few weeks ago, when I had to fax lots of donation requests, she showed me her internship guide and helped me when I had questions.

On Tuesdays, when I sit near Karol, I also sit near Megan and Susan who are employed by Make-A-Wish. Whenever I need help with anything they are there. The other day I was making a follow-up call to a company, and once I was done with the conversation, Susan was able to give me feedback on how I spoke with them. I was thankful for the feedback because it will only improve my skills.

I am going to continue looking for possible mentors, but I know that if I ever need anything, any person in the office will be willing to help!

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