Saturday, June 7, 2014

HollywoodLife: Environment/Initial Impressions

Week one at HollywoodLife  has been an adventure from the start. On day one, I walked into the office, got my building pass, started editing footage right off the bat, learned a lot about using graphics, and shook hands with Superman. Myself and a couple of the other interns were immediately thrown into the mix when we set up the lights and cameras for Dean Kane, who came in promoting his new show ‘Hit the Floor.’  This speaks to the fast-paced nature of the work. Everything happens quickly, as soon as the news gets to us we shoot it, edit, and post. The goal is to do a good job but get word out fast. The office is a very open environment. I work one desk down from the Video Director, Gino, and there’s just one big office that everyone has their own little space in. It’s a great place to collaborate and get help from other people. It’s social enough that everyone is free to communicate but when you need to focus on something you can also hone in on it and tune the rest out. HollywoodLife is extremely office casual; anything but a hoodie and jeans seems to be acceptable. It’s interesting how things are relatively laid back regarding dress yet the work environment is very fast-paced. Gino is also great at being available for help but also giving us the space we need to learn and work. The best part so far is that all the video interns get along well and collaborate to help figure things out together.


  1. Glad that I got to meet another fellow Wolverine in the office!

  2. Jeremy, it seems like you are really enjoying your job! I am also experiencing a very fast-paced job, and sometimes find it difficult to keep up. It's great that you get along with the other interns. Working together is one of the best day to formulate great new ideas.
