Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Orientation at Donna Karan

When I heard there was an orientation for my internship, I thought Ugh, that's going to be boring, but surprisingly it was the exact opposite. All the interns sat around a giant TV eating munchkins and sipping on juice, as we watched three videos about the Donna Karan company and the internship program. Different employees spoke to us about their jobs and their excitement and enthusiasm about the company was so genuine and welcoming.

After the introductions, each intern was sent to their department to get a taste for what would be in store for the next few days. When I got the news that I had been accepted to such a competitive program I was thrilled, but I did think I was going to be the coffee run girl, but it was for Donna Karan (so thats good…right?) --- but I was pleasantly surprised. As an intern, I will actually be partaking in the company's day-to-day activities, be observing my supervisor, have the opportunity to meet other interns around my age, and work with other departments to get a feel for other aspects of the larger company. I can't wait to get started and learn more about my department and the company --- here it goes!


  1. I've always been curious about what it's like to work at a fashion company, and your internship sounds like so much fun!

  2. Sounds great! Good luck and keep us posted on how the internship is!

  3. We all have to start somewhere, even if it's just for coffee! Just always be willing to do any task!

  4. My company also dabbles with fashion clients and fashion is definitely a passion of mine. Your internship sounds amazing. It's great that you get to experience all the different departments and work with a number of different people. I can't wait to hear more!

  5. That's nice that you get to see every part of the company and not just one department! It sounds like a great experience and I can't wait to hear more :)

  6. That is so nice that you didn't have to do coffee runs while working in the fashion industry. Although that getting coffee for the editors was a small part of daily tasks it was something that we had to partake in as being an intern for the fashion magazine.
