Thursday, June 5, 2014

The First Week

The first week of my internship has been amazing!  I really do love it!  This summer I am working for Kenneth Cole Productions.  I am working in the retail marketing section of the company.  At my internship site their is a very comfortable environment where communication is enforced and important.  Obviously, I have learned a lot within the first week of my internship and I know there is a lot more to learn as well, but when I am unsure where to go and or what to do there are numerous people that I can ask for help.  Everyone is extremely welcoming!  The first week on the job I was already taking part in important tasks, sitting in on meetings and phone calls, and meeting new people.  I really feel as though I am apart of the company and that my work is important! There are 40-50 other internships which makes me feel very comfortable, for their are other people of my age there as well!  Everyone at the office dresses differently; some wear suits and ties, others jeans, some dresses, etc. However, everyone makes sure that he or she looks presentable.  Everyone in the office, no matter gender, age, race, or sexual orientation is treated equally; everyone is given the same amount of respect and attention.  With this in mind, even though I am probably one of the youngest people in the office building, I sure do not feel that way at all.  Overall, I really enjoyed my first week of my internship and I am very excited for what is in store!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having a good time! And it's awesome that you have so many other young people to meet and connect with. Good luck!
