Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Week 2: I love my job!

Hi everyone!
It's my second week at Hollywoodlife and I really love my job. I am super busy every day. My days consist of non-stop blogging on our website, -- so check it out and comment on our blogs if you are interested!

I really love job and I am not a journalism major, so I wasn't sure I would be good at blogging and completing the tasks they give me successfully! However, I transitioned extremely well into my job position and my boss loves the stories I have been creating. In fact, yesterday my boss sent me as press to a really cool event where I got to interview and meet a ton of celebrities! I went to the event called the Gordon Parks Foundation, which was hosted at Cipriani's Downtown. I got there a little early before the celebrities hit the red carpet so I could try to get a good spot for interviewing. Some of the celebrities that were there included: Russell Simmons, Swizz Beats, Alicia Keys, George Lucas, Vera Wang and many more. Below are some pictures of some of the celebrities and the event itself. The picture below is Vera Wang, who I interviewed! I also got to interview Amare Stousemire (famous Knicks player), Adrienne Bailon and Soladed O'Brien. All very nice and very cool! The picture after is the burratta appetizer I had before I left the vent which I LOVED! Then the picture following is the event and scenery--which was all beautiful. I was very happy I got to go and I will definitely go to more events in the future, so check my blog for more event updates.  Also, at the end of this page I am going to link you guys to some of the blogs that I have posted this week. If you wish, take a look and comment or vote on them!
I'm happy that I am really enjoying my job and I am excited to see whats in store for the upcoming weeks! :)

Blog 1 for Week 2
Blog 2 for Week 2
Blog 3 for Week 2

There's just a few blogs of mine, so comment or vote! If you want to check out all the blogs I have posted online here is the link--read away !!!


  1. Hey Morgan,

    I think what you are doing is really awesome!!! There are so many times that I hear of interns who simply do daily coffee runs or taking inventory of the storage room. Your internship is definitely not like that! Best of all, you are really getting some great hands on experience - I cannot believe you interviewed Vera Wang, or let alone went to that event. That is insane! I am a communications major so your internship is definitely something that would interest me (maybe I should apply for an internship there next summer). I would love to hear more about your internship one day and read some of your blog posts. Keep up the good work!

    Amanda K

  2. Morgan-

    I'm so jealous of your internship because I've been an avid reader of for years! That's so awesome that you're getting hands on experience and were able to go to an event and meet so many celebrities- that's literally my dream job! I can't wait to keep hearing more about your internship- do you work from an office or at home? Are you in contact with other workers besides your boss? Do you have any specific instructions for your blog posts or do they give you free reign to write what you want to? Best of luck & keep up the hard work!

    -Carly Margolin

  3. Wow your internship sounds amazing and although you may not be a journalism major you definitely learned the ways fast. These pictures and posts sounds like you're having a great time and I am sure you will learn a lot at this internship that you can use in the future, such as blogging skills. Was this the first event you have attended? Keep the pictures coming, they're very intriguing!

  4. Its so amazing how much you love your job! I also went to an event with my company, which was so surreal and so much fun to experience. The event I went to in NYC was called Newsmakers. It's a social gathering for journalists, television, radio & newspaper personalities, reporters, bookers, producers and public relations professionals. I went with a bunch of my colleagues. Your blog posts are so interesting, keep it up!

  5. Wow- I am extremely jealous that you got to interview Vera Wang, what an experience that must have been! It is amazing how amazing an internship can be when given so many opportunities.
