Monday, June 9, 2014

Week 3 - Overcoming Obstacles

Hey Guys,

My internship with Cumulus is still going very well. I enjoy the office days more and more, even if some of the work is a bit tedious, because I am getting closer with the people in the office. The events are also just as exciting because they are all so different. One obstacle that I have slightly come into contact with is that I am the youngest intern at Cumulus right now, which means that at times I need to work harder than others. Most of the other interns are incoming juniors and seniors in college (while I am going to be a sophomore) and some have experience from working at other radio stations and internships. This is one of the first times in my life that I really feel like I need to work my way up, which is definitely something good to experience. A benefit of being the youngest intern, is that there is so much to learn from the other interns. It is slightly discouraging when I don't always get put on the big events I would like to work at, but I remind myself to just keeping working at it.

The past two events I worked at were great. Last week I got to go to Raceway Park in NJ for their Media Day, in which the raceway invited representatives from each of their media partnerships for lunch and a tour of the park (I hate that I even called this going to work!). It was awesome to represent Cumulus and get to know some of the people involved in the sales department at Cumulus. The other event I worked at was the Adopt-a-thon at North Shore Animal League on Long Island, where we played music, games and gave away prizes along with a view other radio stations.

I hope to keep on strengthening my relationships in the office, and learning more.



  1. This is great that you get to participate in all these great events! Seems like you're getting great hands on experience!

  2. It is great that you are working on events because it gives you an out of office experience. Hopefully you get to do more and more and learn different things than you would being in the office.

  3. Going out on events seems so cool! Your internship seems like such a great experience! Your workload seems so interesting and diverse!
