Monday, June 9, 2014

Jumping Right In!

My first week in the Emergency Room of St. Jose's Hospital was eye opening, to say the least! I spent my first week shadowing ER docs and nurses and in following them during their daily routines, I got the true experience of what it's really like to work in the ER. It's not all blood-everywhere-traumas coming in left and right or patient's limbs falling off, as television shows seem to make it appear. What really struck me was how great the ER staff is at doing their jobs. They have to be able to handle whatever walks through the door and they are able to do it while being completely calm and professional. The ER at St. Jose's sees over 300 patients every day and I quickly realized I loved the hectic atmosphere. You never know what illnesses you have to treat that day and your workload is always a surprise. For some people, this could be really scary. But to me, it's really intriguing. Overall, I've loved working in the ER for the past few weeks and I'm looking forward to what the rest of the internship has to offer. Shadowing was an amazing experience but I'm really ready to begin research!


  1. That sounds very cool! It's interesting to hear how much it differs from how it's portrayed in the media. Sounds like a great experience!

  2. WOW!! The calming atmosphere you described the staff at St. Jose's Hospital to be sounds great and reassuring-just the way it should be. I'd imagine the research staff will be a little different attitude wise.


  3. WOW!! The calming atmosphere you described the staff at St. Jose's Hospital to be sounds great and reassuring-just the way it should be. I'd imagine the research staff will be a little different attitude wise.

